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Vinyl Solutions team took part in The Big Ride for Julia’s House
October 15, 2021Vinyl Solutions Charity Golf Day Raises in excess of £2,200 for Julia’s House
The 2nd Annual Vinyl Solutions Golf Day took place on 28th September, this year at Broadstone Golf Club, Dorset, and despite challenging weather conditions – great fun was had by all teams taking part.
The aim for the event was to raise funds for Julia’s House, Dorset and Wiltshire Children’s Hospices. There was the ‘Longest Drive’ and ‘Nearest the Pin’ competitions on two of the holes (with prizes kindly donated by Leisuredays) which all the golfers took part in, raising further funds for our Charity of the Year.
At the close of the event, we also held a prize raffle which featured some fantastic prizes kindly donated from various organisations across the region including Goodwood, Rick Stein Sandbanks, The Lime Wood Hotel, Ashley Wood Golf Club and Broadstone Golf Club. We also held a special charity auction, for an amazing Helicopter Sightseeing Tour kindly donated by Bliss Aviation.
We’re delighted to confirm, the total money donated to Julia’s House from the Golf Day was over £2,200 – thank you to everyone for your participation and donations.
Congratulations to the winners on the day:
WINNING TEAM: Waterside Holidays
Brian Walden, Peter Turrell, Phil Hanger and Mike Phillips (total score – 87)
Peter Archer (total score – 33)
Mark Nolan (total score – 33)
Mike Magill
Winner: David Bruce
Runner-up: Leigh Dunkason
We must thank our event sponsors, Leisuredays, Hagans Leisure, all the organisations that kindly donated raffle prizes and the team from Nationwide who were amazing volunteers on the day.
Ben Hart, Managing Director of Vinyl Solutions said:
“Despite the challenging weather conditions, everyone was in great spirits, a great location, good food and we raised a great sum of money for a fantastic cause. Thank you to everyone that took part and for all of your support and donations on the day, we’ve already started planning our 2022 Golf Day and we hope to see you again for the event next year!”
Corporate fundraiser at Julia’s House, Caroline Attreed commented:
“A huge thank you to everyone at Vinyl Solutions for your amazing support. I absolutely love working with you all and it was so great to see so many friendly faces at the Golf Day and congratulations to the winners too! Thank you to everyone who took part and for all of the kind donations – it means so much to us all at Julia’s House and especially to the children and families we support. Your help means we can their lifeline of care.”
Further details of our 2022 Charity Golf Day will follow soon.
By Ben Hart, Managing Director
On 06/10/2021